Special: The best games for PC from Gamescon 2014

Gamescon, 2014. This year’s edition of a major European event related to the video gaming world is coming to an end. During this event we have seen a great quantity of new games for the Xbox One and PS4 which we have demonstrated in previous articles.

As we expected the PC has had a strong presence at Gamescon this year. In this special we will show you in video the most important games that have been announced for this platform, that we remember, and which will continue to be one of the most powerful.

It’s evident, in spite of what is said, that the Xbox One like the PS4 has arrived in full force, and they can boast of important exclusives, although some from the first batch like Ryse: Son of Rome and Dead Rising 3 have finally arrived for PC, good news that makes us think that we might expect the same thing for other titles either in the short or long term.

We invite you to get comfortable and enjoy this compilation of the best video games for PC from Gamescon 2014 that we have prepared, and like always we invite you to leave your opinion in the comment section.

Arena of Fate
Far Cry 4
World of Warcraf: Warlords of Draenor
Heroes of Might and Magic VII
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Assassin´s Creed Unity
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Armored Warfare
Grand Ages Medieval
The Settlers: Kingdoms of Anteria
Metal Gear Solid V
Toy Soldier War Chest
Shadow Realms
The Witcher 3
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
The Evil Within
Dead Island 2
Act of Agression
Battlefield 4 Hardline

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